Good news: many companies offer an L&D or education budget that covers the cost of a subscription to Bunch 🚀
After you purchase your Premium membership, you’ll receive a receipt from Apple by email. You can forward this invoice directly to your team for reimbursement. Please reach out at if you need help!
If you need manager approval, we also provide a reimbursement template that you can forward. Let your manager know you're interested in a subscription that will build key skills to excel in your role. It’s best to frame the email in terms of the value to the company so that it’s a no-brainer!
Hey [manager],
I’d like to [expense / reimburse] my Bunch Premium membership reimbursed through our Learning & Development budget.
Bunch is a personalized coaching app for managers and other aspiring leaders. It’s used by over 70,000 leaders at companies like PayPal, TikTok, and N26. It will help me excel in my role because it gives me:
I anticipate being able to apply my learnings on a daily basis and perform at my best. I’m also happy share my learnings so our entire team level up. [I paid / it costs] $99 for the year.
What do you think?